welcome to shattered windows, an approved fanlisting for the computer operating system, linux mint! look around different parts of the site using the navigation tab above! if you're a fan, please feel free to join! we'd love to have ya! :D

quick list of what every tab is and what they lead to:

  • index — the page you're looking at right now!
  • about — information about the topic of this fanlisting as well as what a fanlisting even is!
  • codes — where all the buttons are! if you want to apply and you have a website, please take any of these buttons from this tab and put them on your website before applying!
  • members — a full list of all the members of this fanlisting, sorted by country!
  • join — where you can apply to join the listing! all you need to do is fill out the form! i also have a few rules listed there :)
  • extra — this is where the credits and affiliates go!

what is a fanlisting?

  • a fanlisting is a website for all fans of a particular subject to come together to build the biggest listing of people from around the world who are fans of that subject! the subject can be about anything, from a show, to a specific character or actor, to a food item, to an object, or really anything else! to look for more fanlistings like this one, head on over to the anime fanlistings network for anime and manga, and the fanlistings network for everything else!

what is linux mint?

  • linux mint is a gnu/linux operating system for computers and laptops based on ubuntu. it is designed to work "out of the box" and comes fully equipped with the apps most people need. it is made with linux beginners and windows users in mind. it's what my primary laptop runs, and it's easily been my favorite operating system yet! it's inspired me to go even further into researching other software, primarily open-source software, which has really impacted my digital life and my experience online and my relationship with technology! i highly recommend this to anyone who wants some change and is open to learn the ways of linux! it's easier than you think, and linux mint has helped show that to millions of users!

if possible, please do not hotlink the images, host them on your own server instead! make sure all links direct to https://planets.corvidae.digital/linux-mint!
code donations are happily accepted!~





  • name: corvidae
  • country: united states
  • extra: email, website

  • name: kris
  • country: united states
  • extra: email, website

  • name: brooke
  • country: united states
  • extra: email, website

  • name: nippo
  • country: united states
  • extra: email, website

  • name: ren
  • country: united states
  • extra: email, website

  • name: kinsey
  • country: united states
  • extra: email, website

  • name: sadie
  • country: united states
  • extra: email, website

  • name: callie
  • country: canada
  • extra: email, website
  • name: dinpixels
  • country: philippines
  • extra: email, website
  • name: seryndelle
  • country: england
  • extra: email, website


  • it is entirely free to join this fanlisting! you don't need a website or anything fancy, just your name/nickname, country of residence, and a valid email address are the required information that i need! if you Do have a website and want that listed, it is not required but would be highly appreciated if you link this website anywhere on your site, either directly or by using one of the buttons!
  • you must be a fan of the subject matter to apply! what's the point otherwise, right?
  • don't be a troll :( use a decent name/nickname, enter a real country into the respective field, enter a legit email as i can and will use this to contact you, etc!

join form!

disclaimer and credits

all images used on this website belong to their respective owners and no copyright infringement is intended. this is a non-profit fansite for fan enjoyment only and is in no way official. the base of this website's code was made using sadgrl.online's layout builder, with all modifications done by myself. all coding was done in the neocities text editor.
i do not own linux mint, the graphics associated with it, nor have i ever contributed in its development. i am simply a fan expressing my love for this operating system!


want to become affiliates? contact me!